It seems that as the coming of the Lord draws near, there is a greater need for alignment with the Lords appointed times (Moedim).
He Himself has ordained these Feasts as shadows of His full redemptive plan for mankind, following the Fall.
The Spring Feasts are easily interpreted as they have all been fulfilled to the day, and indeed the letter, in Christ’s first coming.
Passover, Christ died as our substitutionary sacrifice. Unleavened bread, where we can now feed on the sinless Bread of Life, based on the shed Blood.
First Fruits, when Christ rose from the dead.
Pentecost, when the authority was restored to empower the Church of the Lord.
The three Autumn Feasts are all related to the end-times and the second coming of the Lord. Most scholars are agreed that these remaining Moedim will complete redemption.
So these are:
1) The Rapture, when the Bride of Christ will be caught up (Feast of Trumpets)
2) The tearing of the veil over the eyes of Israel, in order to recognise and embrace their Messiah, (Yom Kippur)
3) The second coming of the Lord to Jerusalem to begin His Milennial reign. (Feast of Tabernacles)
The 10 days between Trumpets and Yom Kippur, are known as the Days of Awe. This is because it was taught that eternal destinies would be decided in that time frame. This was for individuals and the Nation of Israel.
Certainly, they learned on that Day of Atonement if their sins were forgiven for another year. Understanding this is important, because there is a time appointed by God for repentance prayers to affect National destinies.
We want to align with this, and encourage believers to fast and pray and cry out for mercy for our sinful and idolatrous nation.
During all this pandemic, which could well be a judgment, there has not been a looking to the Lord, but rather to man-made solutions, even when this meant forsaking the House of the Lord. Eyes, on the whole, have been on the vaccine for the answer to this problem, although the long-term effects of this have yet to be tried and tested.
This year, the Feast dates are as follows:- Trumpets:- sunset 6/9 to sunset 8/9 Days of Awe run to 16/9, ending with Yom Kippur Tabernacles , a seven day Feast, even running into an eight day, starts 21/9 We will run some extra meetings, and seek to help promote an understanding that these are not ‘Jewish’ events, but orchestrated by the Lord to help us understand the Times and seasons. He is the Host, inviting your attendance.
Will you accept His invitation? If yes, we know it will bless His heart.