Juliet Dawn & Brenda Taylor


This is the unique music resource arm of Dovetail Shalom, and it is underpinned by a rare mother daughter musical partnership which has spanned 30 years. Brenda Taylor and Juliet Dawn together have created a wealth of beautifully anointed worship resources of the highest quality - with Brenda as composer and Juliet as vocal artist.

A long and varied ministry journey has brought richness, intimacy, truth, glory and originality to this whole body of work and especially to the songs which are discernibly timeless.

The result is a music treasure store like no other in its depth, style and approach.... let alone its creative origin. Alongside the music albums are also music books for those wishing to uptake the music.

Additionally, Juliet is a prolific poet of unique creed, mainly writing prophetic poetry for intercession and Kingdom advancement. Her heavenly mandate is to share God’s heart through this unique art form, and as such this broad collection of profound poetry is now available through Dovetail Music. Books, collections, studio recordings, laminated design copies - all available through the website or on request.

These powerful offerings will challenge and inspire you. Please see here or click on Dovetail Music resources. If you cannot find what you are looking for, please email us on: dovetailshalom@gmail.com